Thursday, December 20, 2012

And they smiled! :D

Bonjour! Straight to the main point je lah, last week I joined the MTS (Make Them Smile) Project. I know, basi already right. But lantak lah. Hahaha. Well, I don't really participated from the start though. Dah hari last baru join. Senior Safwan tu kata apsal kau tak buat aku happy awal awal kalau join dari 1st day kan bagus. Hahaha. Ampun senior ampun ada hal lain hewhewhewhew ;p Okay dah. Basically, this project is to make people smile. Yes. Obviously. The name says it all. And this time, we ought to remake the 6th floor of Mansoura Children Hospital and make it more urm how to put it, ceria i suppose? Btw, kak Arina and kak Nad actually invited me to participate. And kite sensorang je tau 1st year student yang join tu. But nahh I had fun anyways ;3 Really. I love these kinda things. So here's some visuals.

taraaaa! Cantik tak cantik tak? hihihii. 

The castle was drawn by kak Nad and painted by both of us. The stalk was drawn by someone else and Safwan kot and painted by Safwan jugak kot. The leaves were done by yours truly *ehem* and the cloud tak tahu lah pulak hee.

the whole thing

By the time kena paint that burung (they said it's a stork) and that baby casper tahap ikhlas dan komited semakin merudum sebab kepala dah bengong bengong and mata pun dah menzombie and perut pun dah nyanyi nyanyi and it's nearly midnight dah pun anyways, maka nampak sangat casper tu kitorang malas dah nak shade bagai tepek je colour gitu haihhh not good -_-"

tengok tuuu pakai jari pun boleh tauu~~

Van Gogh and Monet

Nail polish anyone?

jyeaahh kasi tonyoh lubang hidung dia *hengseng suparman ni siapa lukis taktau*

leprechaun beneath the rainbow

lil miss chesire *ikut suka aku je tukar jantina dia -.-'

encik roti ginger dan isteri

unggas-unggas kemarahan

*sneak peak* ehhh? dah penat main cat ada orang masakkan pula hewhewhew macam tau tau saja perut hanis punya perasaan hewhewhewhewww

Though Hanis join pun masa final day je I really really really did enjoy myself. Happy sangat! Lain kali nak conteng conteng dinding segala ni ajak je Hanis lagi. I'd be glad. Till then, Oyasumi! ;3

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